Will Tell and the Big Bad Baron – Post-Show Drama Workshop – is taking place at Litton Cheney Community Hall on Fri 16 February 2024 at 11.30am.

Wilhelmina and the Baron
Take part in an exciting and engaging drama workshop with the cast of Will Tell & The Big Bad Baron following the show at Litton Cheney! Play games and learn songs and movements from the show, helping to encourage creativity and boost confidence.
45min workshop for ages 4+. £3 per child (must be accompanied by an adult).
Catch us at Litton Cheney Community Hall and at other venues in the South this Spring. Please see our Tour Dates page on our website, for more details.

Paul Mansfield Photography 2015
Workshop featuring creative activities and games inspired by the theme of hibernation and the animals that the children have seen in the play. The workshop is for a maximum of 25 participants and lasts 40 minutes.
The workshop occurs after the performance of Oskar’s Amazing Adventure is in the main space at Komedia Brighton, on 18 February 2024 at approx. 12pm-12.40pm.
Catch us at Komedia this Spring. Please see our Tour Dates page on our website, for more details.